This is an audio recording of a round table discussion by radon subject matter experts and Doctors of Osteopathy discussing the health effects of radon exposure and options for including advice and information
This is an audio recording of a round table discussion by radon subject matter experts and Doctors of Osteopathy discussing the health effects of radon exposure and options for including advice and information
This course is a supplement to the National Measurement Course. It is required for certification on Guam. The National Measurement Course is to be completed prior to taking this course.
This course is a supplement to the National Mitigation Course. It is required for certification on Guam. The National Measurement Course, Guam Specific Measurement Course and the National Mitigation Courses are to be
This course provides an in-depth discussion on conducting surveys in schools and large buildings and provides resources and tools in order to conduct surveys. This course is discontinued and only available for review
Entry level course to become certified in Radon Measurement in the United States. Combination classroom and online course sponsored by Kentucky Association of Radon Professionals.