Blog Articles

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We recently received a solicitation to review a government document regarding radon in multi-family buildings.  It is great to see...

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A radon professional coming to the CERTI site might ask themselves what good is a course based on a DIY...

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We often receive emails or phone calls from CERTI students who are challenged by clients when they are asked to...

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Everyone in the radon biz has seen countless pictures and illustrations of U-tubes mounted on the side of the vent...

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At CERTI, we are frequently called on for advice by students. More and more, we have been receiving calls from...

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So you’re thinking about hitting the road and giving radon presentations?  Perhaps presenting to real estate offices, builders, county commissioners,...

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Douglas L. Kladder, Director CERTI Active Soil Depressurization has proven to be a very reliable means by which radon laden...

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The reference document is loaded with 133 pages of content supported by 81 diagrams and pictures as well as 21...

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The investment one may make when starting a radon mitigation business will certainly depend upon what tools and equipment you...

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There are four primary things a student can to do to improve their chances of passing either the radon measurement...

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Tip #1: Complete a radon measurement course before committing.Radon measurement device manufacturers are a reputable group.  However, they have a...