Radon Certification
How to Get & Maintain Certification for Radon Testing
Radon professionals are finding it valuable to become certified in the radon field in order to provide assurance to their clients that they are receiving services that are within standards, ethics and protocols that can be relied on. It has especially become important to have the certification in order to provide services during real estate transactions (which account for approximately 70% of radon testing and mitigation).
The professional recognition you and your business receive from being nationally or state certified is an integral part of the professionalism and excellence we provide in our training programs. We are committed to providing you, your business, and your clients with the assurance that the extra efforts you take in holding a national or state certification means your qualifications are of the highest standards.
At CERTI we provide you with quality training and easy steps to becoming certified and maintaining your certification.

1) Successfully complete the appropriate Entry Level Course(s)
2) Pass the Certification Exam(s)
3) Download and complete the Certification Application and return to Certfying Organization - there are two recognized national certifying boards
-NRPP/AARST - National Radon Proficiency Program: https://nrpp.info/
-NRSB - National Radon Safety Board: https://www.nrsb.org/
The first step is to take an approved entry level course. CERTI courses are convenient online courses allowing you to take the course at your own pace with no limitation on time or access to the course.
Some states have additional regulations and requirements. See a list of course approvals and regulated states here.
Entry Level - Certification Courses:
Measurement Entry Level Course - Approved by NRPP and NRSB - This course prepares you to conduct radon measurements and is the only course required to obtain certification in Measurement. It is also a pre-requisite to taking the mitigation course:
-C-101 - Radon & Radon Decay Product Measurement Course
Mitigation Entry Level Course - This course prepares you to install radon mitigation systems to reduce the levels of radon in a building. The Measurement Course is a pre-requisite to this course. Please note, that although you are required to take both Measurement and Mitigation courses to become certified in Mitigation, you are not required to obtain both certifications, but your are eligible to do so if you prefer. Each certification requires its own exam and application. You can register for both courses at a discounted price:
If you have already completed an approved Measurement Course, you can register for the Mitigation Course only - If you have not already taken an approved entry level measurement course, you can register for both C-101 and C-102 at a discount (at checkout - enter the coupon code "Bundle" to receive $105 discount):
National Radon Proficiency Program (NRPP/AARST)
-Register with NRPP for exam, then schedule the exam through the specified exam service - You will be able to take the exam from your location with a virtual proctor -visit this NRPP link for more information: this is how it works
National Radon Safety Board (NRSB)
-Schedule the exam directly through NRSB - this will be a paper and pencil exam which is given through a proctor
-Certification Exams are available in two formats. For most of the U.S. (if a facility is close to you), the exams are available through a computer-based testing facility - PSI Testing Centers. For Canada and areas in the U.S. that are not close to a PSI facility, exams are available directly through NRPP with the services of a Proctor.
Once you have successfully completed the online course and the certification exams, you will need to download the application and submit them to the appropriate certifying board.