
EPA Protocols

Protocols for Radon and Radon Decay Product Measurements in Homes

This document presents the U.S. EPA's technical guidance for measuring radon concentrations in residences. It contains protocols for measuring radon for the purpose of deciding on the need for remedial action. EPA 402-R-92-003 (May 1993)

Radon Mitigation Standards

The purpose of the Radon Mitigation Standards is to provide radon mitigation contractors with uniform standards that will ensure quality and effectiveness in the design, installation and evaluation of radon mitigation systems in detached and attached residential buildings 3 stories or less in height. EPA 402-R-93-078 (Oct 93, Rev Apr 94)

Radon Measurement in Schools

This report has been prepared to provide school administrators and facilities managers with instructions on how to test for the presence of radon. The findings from EPA's comprehensive studies of radon measurements in schools have been incorporated into these recommendations. This report supersedes Radon Measurements in Schools - An Interim Report EPA 520/1-89-010 - (Revised Edition - Second Printing)