This continuing education course deals with pressure driven entry of radon due to environmental factors found in structures constructed on karst or limestone formations as well as the effects very tight buildings within
This continuing education course deals with pressure driven entry of radon due to environmental factors found in structures constructed on karst or limestone formations as well as the effects very tight buildings within
An industry discussion of current practices and alternatives to the installation of radon control techniques in building construction. Recorded in conjunction with EPA Region 8 Stakeholder's Meeting. Updated 2023.
Highlights of Presentations given at the EPA Region 8 Stakeholders Meeting. Updated 2023.
This program provides a comprehensive review of the "Why's" and "How-To's" of radon control techniques in new and existing homes. These video based presentations were presented by the nation’s leading experts on radon
A thorough review of radon mitigation technology including active soil depressurization, ventilation approaches and guidance for those difficult to mitigate situations. Audio for convenient listening and online review questions and certificate generation. This version
This is a round table discussion by radon subject matter experts and Doctors of Osteopathy discussing the health effects of radon exposure and options for including advice and information to patients. The format
Students taking this course will learn about the different approaches for testing apartment buildings, as well as, the additional complexity involved with working with tenants as well as clients. Using both US EPA
A review of the entry level measurement course providing you with a great review of topics ranging from the physics of radon all the way through the different types of testing devices and
A review of the entry level measurement course providing you with a great review of topics ranging from the physics of radon all the way through the different types of testing devices and
This special 8-hour classroom course will be delivered at the Region VIII Stakeholders conference in Denver Colorado, April 21, 2017 This course takes radon testing to the next logical step in developing a
This course takes radon testing to the next logical step in developing a considered approach to addressing radon concerns that have been identified during a building survey. Whether a survey involves a daycare
This course explores from a practical standpoint how radon decay products are measured and how RDP reduction can enhance soil gas remediation by reducing radon risks to very low levels. Approved for both