All course materials available online. Videos and/or audio can be heard or viewed from your computer or downloaded to your computer or portable devices. Course manuals can be viewed online or downloaded and/or printed – no additional charge.
Showing all 2 results

C-16-102 – Radon & RDP Measurement (CERTI-305 / NRPP 45B)
C-16-102-18A convenient and comprehensive 16 credit hour course approved for both measurement & Mitigation Professionals
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C-4-102 – Becoming Proficient with Rad Elec E-PERM (CERTI-306 / NRPP 56)
C-4-102-25A comprehensive program describing the proper use of Electret Ion Chambers as manufactured by Rad Elec. The course consists of a video available online, a course manual describing key operational features of the EPERM system, as well as an opportunity to test your knowledge and skills in calculating results via online questions. This course provides the required educational component of the Rad Elec Manufacturer Certification Program.
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