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Entry Level Courses for Certification on Guam

CERTI courses for radon measurement and mitigation certification on Guam are approved by NRPP and the Guam EPA for certification.


Guam RMO b

Entry Level Measurement

Includes both the National Measurement Course and the Guam Specific Measurement Course


Guam RTM b

Entry Level Mitigation

Includes both the National Mitigation Course and the Guam Specific Mitigation Course

*Measurement course is a pre-requisite to this course and must be completed prior to taking this course.

Certification Exams:

paper exam

National Certification Exams:  Upon successful completion of this courses you are eligible to take the National Mitigation Certification Exam which is available through Guam Community College.  The cost for the exam is not included with this course and is payable directly to GCC. 

Guam Specific Certification Exams: Upon successful completion of the courses you are eligible to take the Guam Specific Certification Exams which is available through Guam Community College. The cost for the exam is not included with this course and is payable directly to GCC. 


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