Entry Level Courses FAQ


Yes. There is no prohibition against holding both certifications. However, most individuals select one or the other.

  • If I am going to be a mitigator fixing homes, do I need to take the measurement course?

Yes. The Measurement course contains fundamental material that both Measurement and Mitigation professionals need to know. Even though you may not plan on becoming certified in measurement, you still need to have a good grasp of the material within the measurement course.

  • If I have taken a measurement course from another provider do I have to take the CERTI Measurement course before taking CERTI’s Mitigation course?

No. If you have taken an approved measurement course from another provider you will not have to take CERTI’s Measurement course, although it is recommended as it is a very thorough program and the national Mitigation exam contains many questions based upon content in the measurement course. You may want to call and talk to one of CERTI’s Lead Instructors before signing up for the Mitigation only course.

  • How long does it take to go through the course?

It typically takes a student about a week to complete either the Measurement or Mitigation entry level course. Each course has approximately 20 hours of course work (plus the field exercises for the mitigation course). We have no time limit for you to complete the course.

  • How long do I have access to the course?

We have no time limit for completing the course, and you continue to have access to it even after you complete it.

  • Can my staff members listen to the content of the courses?

Certainly. Content from a purchased course can be used to familiarize your staff with the measurement and/or mitigation processes and protocols, but please note this will not allow them to obtain certification.   To obtain certification they would have to enroll in their own course, obtain a certificate from that course, and pass the exam by a certifying board.

  • Is there a discount to register more than one person in my company?

Yes, discounts for multiple enrollments can be discussed by reaching out to our staff either by phone or through email at courses@certi.us.

Mitigation Course Field Exercises

  • What do the “Field Exercises” within the Mitigation Course include?

Field exercise portion of the mitigation course is designed to make sure you are confident in the actual installation of mitigation systems and that you understand diagnostics. This section is tailored to fit your experience and comfort level in the field. In essence, you will install a mitigation system and perform diagnostics. The most common way is for the student to install a system in their own home or the home of a friend and be mentored by the instructor with a one-on-one discussion before and after the installation  and the student providing pictures and explanations of the installed system to the instructor.

  • What if I am currently in the business and have experience installing systems, do I need to do the field exercises?

In this case, we will work with you to make sure you are following protocols and to see if you have questions about installations after taking the course. It is possible for this portion to be waived once the instructor has talked with you and seen a sample of your installations.

  • Can I be mentored by someone I know or work with?

This is an option that is available once we have talked with you and/or the person that would be doing the mentoring to make sure they are a qualified certified mitigator.

National Exams

For certification with NRPP (National Radon Proficiency Program) – the national exams are provided through Certiverse – this allows you to take the exam from your location – you will need a computer or laptop that has a microphone and camera, then you will have a virtual proctor. To take the exam, you will register directly with NRPP after completing your entry level course, you will then be given a link to schedule the exam with Certiverse. This is how it works.

For certification with NRSB (National Radon Safety Board) – the national exams are provided through Prolydian – this allows you to take the exam from your location – you will need a computer or laptop that has a microphone and camera, then you will have a virtual proctor. To take the exam, you will register directly with NRSB after completing your entry level course, you will then be given a link to schedule the exam with Prolydian. This is how it works.

  • Is the cost of the exams and certification included in the cost of CERTI’s course?

NO, the national exam and fee associated with applying for certification is not included in CERTI’s course as we focus on the required educational content.

  • If I take a CERTI Measurement of Mitigation course, what are my chances of passing the National Exams?

Good. The CERTI course is thorough and has a lot of quiz questions for you to practice on. Because of the format where you can repeat the mini lectures and repeat quizzes, CERTI students have an excellent first attempt pass rate. Of course, there are no guarantees, but if you apply yourself and take your time you will have an excellent chance of passing either of the exams the first time.

  • What happens if I don’t pass the Certification Exam?

You can take the exam over again. There is no waiting period, but you will need to pay the fee again. One of the benefits of the online course is that you continue to have access to all the material even after you complete the course, so if you find there is a particular area in which you need to review, you can do that at any time.

  • How do I know if I am ready for the National Exam?

The National Exam is very comprehensive. Everything you need to know is contained in the course. You need to make sure you complete all the assignments within the course and complete all the online quizzes. In fact, we encourage you to take your time on the quizzes and go back and review them as many times as it takes for you to feel very comfortable with all the questions. The quiz questions are designed to help you study for the exam. It is also important for you to be familiar with everything included in the reading assignments within the course (i.e. the EPA publications).

Technical Support & Business Resources

  • If I have technical questions is there someone I can talk to for additional help?

Yes, you can always call our lead instructor who can help you.

  • Can I call and ask for technical help after I complete the course?

Yes, in fact that is one of the biggest advantages of being a CERTI student. If after you are working in the field and you run across a unique situation or just want to bounce an idea off someone, simply call us. We want you to be successful and offer technical support to all of our students-well after the course is completed.

  • I don’t know what kind of measurement or mitigation equipment I should get. Will this course help me plan my new business?

The entry level courses provide a good solid base for understanding the different measurement devices and tools so you can be an informed buyer when selecting equipment. In fact, we suggest that students not commit to significant purchases until they complete the course and then give our lead instructor a call to discuss different tools as a function of what portions of the radon market you plan to address.

  • Do the entry level courses include documents to help me start up my business?

Yes.  Although not part of the formal courses, every CERTI student has access to a resource section that provides many publications, and forms, including model contracts that can help you get started.

Certification Costs and Maintaining Certification

What does it cost to get certified?

Measurement Certification – Approximately – $625 to $665

1) Take an approved entry level course – Entry Level Course – $325

2) Take the National Certification Exam – Certiverse (NRPP) or Prolydian (NRSB) – between $100 and $140 – more information on exams
If you need to have a proctored exam – this cost varies and can be obtained directly from NRPP 

3) Send in your Application for Certification to NRPP – Approx. $200

Mitigation Certification

For Mitigation Certification Only – Approximately $1,035,
For both certifications – Approximately $1,375*

* For Mitigation certification you need to complete approved entry level courses for both Measurement and Mitigation, but you do not have to get both certifications although you are eligible to do so.

1) Take approved entry level course – Entry Level Courses – $695 (both Measurement and Mitigation courses)
If you have previously completed an approved Measurement course the Mitigation Course only is $475

2) Take the National Certification Exam – Certiverse (NRPP) or Prolydian (NRSB)  – $100 to $140 (depending on which certification you choose) you can do either just Mitigation or both. More information on exams

3) Send in your Application for Certification to NRPP – Approx. $200 (for each certification) – again you can do either just Mitigation or both.

After I become certified, are there special requirements for maintaining my certification?

National Certification is typically for two years. To renew you will need to pay the certifying body’s renewal fee after showing proof of taking continuing education classes. Not to worry, CERTI has many relevant and convenient CE courses to assist in the recertification process. In fact, you may want to consider some CE courses like the Train the Speaker program that can help you market your new business. In other words, you don’t have to wait until the end of the two year certification term to benefit from a good CE course.