Showing all 9 results

Codes and Standards Update for Installing Radon Reduction Systems in New Home Construction



This short course provides a concise summary and comparison of Appendix AF of the International Residential code modified in 2021 and the ANSI/AARST 2020 CCAH Standard.  Although similar in intent there are some subtle differences that an installer of radon system needs to be aware of when quoting a project. This course consists of a video presentation with downloadable slides, a short quiz with feedback and links to both ANSI/AARST standards and ICC Appendix AF.

The above is a brief description of the course. For a more detailed description, please click anywhere within this course box.

CE Credits: 2
CERTI-8005 (MIT)
NRPP/NRSB Approved
$35.00  Enroll

Application of HRV/ERV’s for Radon Reduction


This 4 hr CE course was a LIVE WEBCAST during the AARST 2020 Virtual International Radon Symposium. This will give you the confidence to recommend a ventilation strategy when appropriate while providing the customer with meaningful estimates of the expected radon reduction.

The above is a brief description of the course. For a more detailed description, please click anywhere within this course box.

CE Credits: 4
NRPP/NRSB Approved
$60.00  Enroll

ANSI/AARST Mitigation Standards Review


This course provides an ANSI/AARST standards review via a series of quiz questions with detailed explanations and citation of relevant sections of the standards.

The above is a brief description of the course. For a more detailed description, please click anywhere within this course box.

CE Credits: 4
CERTI-4001 (MIT)
NRPP/NRSB Approved
$60.00  Enroll

RRNC Practices – An Industry Discussion


An industry discussion of current practices and alternatives to the installation of radon control techniques in building construction. Recorded in conjunction with EPA Region 8 Stakeholder’s Meeting. Update Supplement in 2022.

The above is a brief description of the course. For a more detailed description, please click anywhere within this course box.

CE Credits: 8
Illinois # RNTC2012-08
CERTI-500 / NRPP 135 (MIT)
NRPP/NRSB Approved
$110.00  Enroll

Design and Installation of Rn/Soil Gas Collection in New Bldg


This course provides an in-depth discussion in the design and installation of radon mitigation systems and soil gas collection systems in new building construction.  Includes a 2022 Code/Standard update.

The above is a brief description of the course. For a more detailed description, please click anywhere within this course box.

CE Credits: 8
Illinois # RNTC2012-17
CERTI-316 / NRPP 171 (MIT)
NRPP/NRSB Approved
$110.00  Enroll

Incorporation of Rn Control Techniques in New Construction – 2020


This course revolves around a recording of a March 2020 webcast attended by members of several building departments and public health agencies.  You will be able to view and benefit from the live audience questions.  During the video you will hear the presentation and see the graphics as well as follow along and take notes on a downloadable guide for all of the slides presented.

The above is a brief description of the course. For a more detailed description, please click anywhere within this course box.

CE Credits: 8
Illinois # RNTC2020-02
NRPP/NRSB Approved
$110.00  Enroll

Radon Mitigation Technology


A thorough review of radon mitigation technology including active soil depressurization, ventilation approaches and guidance for those difficult to mitigate situations. Audio downloadable on MP3 player for convenient listening and online review questions and certificate generation.  This version has a smaller question set and is approved for 16 credit hours and is appropriate for individuals needing 16 credit hours to renew their NEHA-NRPP mitigation certification.

The above is a brief description of the course. For a more detailed description, please click anywhere within this course box.

CE Credits: 16
Illinois # RNTC2012-12
CERTI-308 / NRPP 59B (MIT)
NRPP/NRSB Approved
$225.00  Enroll

Radon Mitigation Fundamentals


Radon can be reduced to within US EPA guidance levels within any home. This book clearly explains how this can be done. Proven methods used by professional mitigators are detailed in this easy to understand manual.

The above is a brief description of the course. For a more detailed description, please click anywhere within this course box.

CE Credits: 16
CERTI-8002 (MIT)
NRPP/NRSB Approved
$235.00  Enroll

Radon Mitigation Technology

A thorough review of radon mitigation technology including active soil depressurization, ventilation approaches and guidance for those difficult to mitigate situations. Audio for convenient listening and online review questions and certificate generation. This version has a large question set and is approved for 24 credit hours and is great for mitigation contractors who also hold a measurement certification and need 24 credit hours for renewal of their NRPP certifications.

The above is a brief description of the course. For a more detailed description, please click anywhere within this course box.

CE Credits: 24
NRPP/NRSB Approved
$325.00  Enroll