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Radon from a Physician’s Perspective
C-4-103This is a round table discussion by radon subject matter experts and Doctors of Osteopathy discussing the health effects of radon exposure and options for including advice and information to patients. The format includes audio instruction over a PowerPoint Presentation
This course has been deemed to have sufficient science-based content that continues to be relevant and not subject to expiration.
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Interviews with Radon Experts
C-4-104This audio-based home study course provides you with an easy-to-use format of recorded phone interviews with respected experts in the field providing valuable information and insight to the radon industry
This course has been deemed to have sufficient science-based content that continues to be relevant and not subject to expiration.
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Addressing RDPs – Another Tool in the Tool Box
C-4-110This course explores from a practical standpoint how radon decay products are measured and how RDP reduction can enhance soil gas remediation by reducing radon risks to very low levels. NRPP approved for 4 educational CE credits, expands the radon measurement professional’s skills beyond testing residential structures to be able to take advantage of the expanding market of conducting surveys in large buildings such as schools and apartment buildings.This course prepares you to convey to the client why multiple locations need to be tested; be able to implement communication plans for occupants; and to understand special approaches to interpreting results to provide the best value to the client while shielding you from downstream liabilities.Recorded live classroom at the National Radon Conference in Vancouver in April, 2015 deals with all of these issues and more. It also provides sample notices, log sheets and other tools you will need to fully implement a large survey. You will be able to watch and listen to the lecture as well as benefit from the poignant questions posed by the live audience, consisting of radon professionals just like you.
This course has been deemed to have sufficient science-based content that continues to be relevant and not subject to expiration.
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Device Specific Training for E-Perms
C-4-115A comprehensive program describing the proper use of Electret Ion Chambers as manufactured by Rad Elec. The course consists of a video available online, a course manual describing key operational features of the EPERM system, as well as an opportunity to test your knowledge and skills in calculating results via online questions. This course provides the required educational component of the Rad Elec Manufacturer Certification Program.
This course has been deemed to have sufficient science-based content that continues to be relevant and not subject to expiration.
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Controlling Radon Decay Products – Too Complicated or a Silver Bullet
C-4-118This course explores, from a practical standpoint, how radon decay products are measured and how RDP reduction can enhance soil gas remediation by reducing radon risks to very low levels. This course is approved for both U.S. (NRPP & NRSB) and Canada Continuing Education for Measurement and Mitigation Professionals
This course has been deemed to have sufficient science-based content that continues to be relevant and not subject to expiration.
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Radon Challenges – Gnarly Tales from the Field – Part II
C-8-108CERTI is pleased to present Part 2 to Gnarly Tales one of our most popular courses for both measurement and mitigation professionals. Recorded at the 2022 AARST conference – an excellent course for learning how to deal with difficult situations
This course has been deemed to have sufficient science-based content that continues to be relevant and not subject to expiration.
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Radon Entry and Measurement in Tropical Climates and Karst
C-12-102This continuing education course deals with pressure driven entry of radon due to environmental factors found in structures constructed on karst or limestone formations as well as the effects of very tight buildings within tropical regions. Although set in a tropical setting, this course has application to anywhere one finds highly permeable soils and Karst such as the Southeastern portion of the U.S. and the mountainous areas
This course has been deemed to have sufficient science-based content that continues to be relevant and not subject to expiration.
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Radon Measurement and Mitigation in Tropical Climates and Karst
C-16-104This continuing education course deals with pressure driven entry of radon due to environmental factors found in structures constructed on karst or limestone formations as well as the effects very tight buildings within tropical regions. Although set in a tropical setting, this course has application to anywhere one finds highly permeable soils and Karst such as the Southeastern portion of the U.S. and the mountainous areas.
This course has been deemed to have sufficient science-based content that continues to be relevant and not subject to expiration.
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Addressing Rn in Daycare Facilities, Schools and Lg Bldgs
C-16-108This course takes radon testing to the next logical step in developing a considered approach to addressing radon concerns that have been identified during a building survey. Whether a survey involves a daycare facility, a school, or an administrative building, there is often a need, as dictated by the availability of resources versus the severity of the problem, to have a plan of attack
This course has been deemed to have sufficient science-based content that continues to be relevant and not subject to expiration.
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Radon Challenges – Gnarly Tales from the Field
C-16-109This course explores techniques for going a little deeper in interpreting measurements as well as how to mitigate those tough houses with inaccessible crawlspaces, buried return ducts, and other crazy construction practices that make our lives interesting. We delve into these topics using real life case studies that have happy endings. These are more than a series of Fractured Fairy Tales. We explore a process for assessing unique situations you can use in the future. This course is designed for both the seasoned professional who has seen a thing or two and the novice who will eventually encounter these types of situations
This course has been deemed to have sufficient science-based content that continues to be relevant and not subject to expiration.
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