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CE Credits | 12 |
Discontinued Replaced with C-16-111 – Presenting Radon Programs (CERTI-327)
CE Credits | 12 |
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This course provides an ANSI/AARST standards review via a series of quiz questions with detailed explanations and citation of relevant sections of the standards.
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This 2024 course provides both the radon professional or a facility environmental manager the skills to plan, conduct and or evaluate a radon survey in a school. It also details the reasons radon can be a problem within a school such that often simple solutions can be found. Applies to schools and commercial buildings.
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This continuing education course deals with pressure driven entry of radon due to environmental factors found in structures constructed on karst or limestone formations as well as the effects of very tight buildings within tropical regions. Although set in a tropical setting, this course has application to anywhere one finds highly permeable soils and Karst such as the Southeastern portion of the U.S. and the mountainous areas
This course has been deemed to have sufficient science-based content that continues to be relevant and not subject to expiration.
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This course explores from a practical standpoint how radon decay products are measured and how RDP reduction can enhance soil gas remediation by reducing radon risks to very low levels. NRPP approved for 4 educational CE credits, expands the radon measurement professional’s skills beyond testing residential structures to be able to take advantage of the expanding market of conducting surveys in large buildings such as schools and apartment buildings.This course prepares you to convey to the client why multiple locations need to be tested; be able to implement communication plans for occupants; and to understand special approaches to interpreting results to provide the best value to the client while shielding you from downstream liabilities.Recorded live classroom at the National Radon Conference in Vancouver in April, 2015 deals with all of these issues and more. It also provides sample notices, log sheets and other tools you will need to fully implement a large survey. You will be able to watch and listen to the lecture as well as benefit from the poignant questions posed by the live audience, consisting of radon professionals just like you.
This course has been deemed to have sufficient science-based content that continues to be relevant and not subject to expiration.
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CERTI-4000 (Previously CERTI-2)
Entry level course to become certified in Radon Mitigation in the United States. The instruction is audio based, with online course manual, resources, new ANSI-AARST Standards, and quizzes to reinforce the material. It also includes a field exercise program tailored to your experience level.
**Now included at no additional cost: C-102 Comprehensive Exam Prep – 175 Measurement questions and 150 Mitigation questions to help you prepare for the National Exam. (updated August 2021).
Once you have taken this course, (CERTI-4000), and obtained your completed course certificate, you are ready to schedule an appointment to take the national licensing exam through NRSB or NRPP.
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Please note that an approved Radon Measurement Course is a pre-requisite for this course, such as CERTI's C-101 course. The Mitigation course builds upon essential content provided in the Measurement course, the combination of which is essential for the mitigation contractor and is also required by national certifying bodies. If you have not completed a Measurement course, you are advised to register for the “Combination Measurement and Mitigation Course Bundle” for a combined course discount.
If you have completed a measurement course, please proceed, and welcome!
If you have questions, please contact CERTI's Administrative Office at: or 800-516-8332.
A thorough review of radon mitigation technology including active soil depressurization, ventilation approaches and guidance for those difficult to mitigate situations. Audio downloadable on MP3 player for convenient listening and online review questions and certificate generation. This version has a smaller question set and is approved for 16 credit hours and is appropriate for individuals needing 16 credit hours to renew their NEHA-NRPP mitigation certification.
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As of 2023, the National Radon Proficiency Program amended its policy regarding the renewal of its base radon measurement and mitigation certifications to require a four-hour review of the ANSI/AARST standards relevant to a specific certification. This course provides that review via a series of quiz questions with detailed explanations and citation of relevant sections of the standards.
To complete this course students access the ANSI/AARST standard, familiarize themselves with the standard and complete the validation quizzes consisting of 80 questions.
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A review of the entry level measurement course providing you with a great review of topics ranging from the physics of radon all the way through the different types of testing devices and some valuable business perspectives for radon professionals. 24 CE credits for those individuals with two certifications.
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This program provides a comprehensive review of the “Why’s” and “How-To’s” of radon control techniques in new and existing homes.These video based presentations were presented by the nation’s leading experts on radon health risk, mitigation techniques as well as legal aspects and social marketing strategies.The completeness of this program delivered jointly by NEHA and the US EPA, makes it applicable to environmental health professionals, building officials, architects, builders as well as radon professionals.
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Whether you are a radon professional or an environmental health professional there is a common need to provide accurate and constructive information about radon. This course is designed to assist individuals in delivering radon programs to a host of audiences from real estate professionals to builders and ultimately to the consumer. The course is based upon many years of experience that CERTI has had in assisting State Radon Programs in public outreach efforts and recognizing what has worked and what has not.
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CERTI is pleased to present this new course covering technical aspects of radon measurement and mitigation for residential buildings, schools and commercial buildings. Encompassing techniques for fixing existing structures and design parameters for the incorporation of radon control systems during the construction of homes and large buildings.
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This course explores techniques for going a little deeper in interpreting measurements as well as how to mitigate those tough houses with inaccessible crawlspaces, buried return ducts, and other crazy construction practices that make our lives interesting. We delve into these topics using real life case studies that have happy endings. These are more than a series of Fractured Fairy Tales. We explore a process for assessing unique situations you can use in the future. This course is designed for both the seasoned professional who has seen a thing or two and the novice who will eventually encounter these types of situations
This course has been deemed to have sufficient science-based content that continues to be relevant and not subject to expiration.
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This 4 hr CE course was a live webcast during the AARST 2020 Virtual International Radon Symposium. The recorded session includes questions and answers from attendees.
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This 4 hr CE course was a LIVE WEBCAST during the AARST 2020 Virtual International Radon Symposium. This will give you the confidence to recommend a ventilation strategy when appropriate while providing the customer with meaningful estimates of the expected radon reduction.
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A review of the entry level measurement course providing you with a great review of topics ranging from the physics of radon all the way through the different types of testing devices and some valuable business perspectives for radon professionals. 16 CE credits. Update of ANSI/AARST Standards included.
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CERTI is pleased to present this new course that helps prepare students for the NRPP and NRSB Measurement Certification Exams.
This resource is provided to assist you in determining which level of certification is best for you, and to assist you in preparing for the exam. Primarily relevant for those seeking NRPP certification but also helpful for NRSB candidates.
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This course revolves around a recording of a March 2020 webcast attended by members of several building departments and public health agencies. You will be able to view and benefit from the live audience questions. During the video you will hear the presentation and see the graphics as well as follow along and take notes on a downloadable guide for all of the slides presented.
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This short course provides a concise summary and comparison of Appendix AF of the International Residential code modified in 2021 and the ANSI/AARST 2020 CCAH Standard. Although similar in intent there are some subtle differences that an installer of radon system needs to be aware of when quoting a project. This course consists of a video presentation with downloadable slides, a short quiz with feedback and links to both ANSI/AARST standards and ICC Appendix AF.
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CERTI offers the largest variety of on-demand courses across the U.S., and always puts the student first: Take your courses as they fit into your schedule. Learn in the comfort of your own home, at your own pace. Work for an hour in the morning or the evening or wrap up a CE course in one or two days: It’s your choice!
3 Foster Lane Suite 102 Flemington NJ 08822
(800) 513-8332
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