Addressing RDPs – Another Tool in the Tool Box
This course explores from a practical standpoint how radon decay products are measured and how RDP reduction can enhance soil gas remediation by reducing radon risks to very low levels. NRPP approved for 4 educational CE credits, expands the radon measurement professional’s skills beyond testing residential structures to be able to take advantage of the expanding market of conducting surveys in large buildings such as schools and apartment buildings.This course prepares you to convey to the client why multiple locations need to be tested; be able to implement communication plans for occupants; and to understand special approaches to interpreting results to provide the best value to the client while shielding you from downstream liabilities.Recorded live classroom at the National Radon Conference in Vancouver in April, 2015 deals with all of these issues and more. It also provides sample notices, log sheets and other tools you will need to fully implement a large survey. You will be able to watch and listen to the lecture as well as benefit from the poignant questions posed by the live audience, consisting of radon professionals just like you.
The above is a brief description of the course. For a more detailed description, please click anywhere within this course box.
CE Credits: 4
Illinois # RNTC2019-03
CERTI-324 / C-NRPP 1011 (MEAS/MIT)
NRPP/NRSB Approved
Rated 4.73 out of 5
Douglas Bilgrav –
Highly valuable information.
CERTI Student –
No improvement needed
CERTI Student –
I found the course to help refresh my know of radon and any new changes very helpful.
Devon Clancy –
Succinct and clear information
Eric Mathiesen –
The course was relevant to home inspections and well-presented.
Theodore Kielb –
I believe the course was perfect and provided all the necessary training points needed.
David Noto –
Very good content
Joseph Coyle –
Very Clear instruction and good information
The course is very thorough. Love the power point illustrations – very helpful.
Evangelos Tasiopoulos –
Very informative. Glad i took it
Aurelio Santiago –
Quality was great
Irelvin Fontana –
excellent course
Wallace Dorsey Jr –
Doug, as always, provides relevant and pertinent materials
Jackelyn Goldschmidt –
Overall the course was good. Some of the exam questions did not feel adequately addressed in the course.
Brett Brumbaugh –
The presenter was awesome. Great knowledge and presentation
Phil Burke –
Very informative, great supplement
Jennifer Campbell –
Excellent and very informational I learned alot