Addressing RDPs – Another Tool in the Tool Box

(80 customer reviews)


This course explores from a practical standpoint how radon decay products are measured and how RDP reduction can enhance soil gas remediation by reducing radon risks to very low levels. NRPP approved for 4 educational CE credits, expands the radon measurement professional’s skills beyond testing residential structures to be able to take advantage of the expanding market of conducting surveys in large buildings such as schools and apartment buildings.This course prepares you to convey to the client why multiple locations need to be tested; be able to implement communication plans for occupants; and to understand special approaches to interpreting results to provide the best value to the client while shielding you from downstream liabilities.Recorded live classroom at the National Radon Conference in Vancouver in April, 2015 deals with all of these issues and more. It also provides sample notices, log sheets and other tools you will need to fully implement a large survey. You will be able to watch and listen to the lecture as well as benefit from the poignant questions posed by the live audience, consisting of radon professionals just like you.

This course has been deemed to have sufficient science-based content that continues to be relevant and not subject to expiration.


It is well known the mechanism by which radon exposure increases the potential of lung cancer is alpha release from the short-lived decay products of radon and the amount of these decay products available for respiration can vary due to air circulation rates, particulate levels, etc. This course explores from a practical standpoint how radon decay products are measured and how RDP reduction can enhance soil gas remediation by reducing radon risks to very low levels.

This course was presented at the request of the Canadian Association of Radon Scientists and Technologists at its Annual Meeting in Banff, Alberta on April 23, 2017. Although provided to a Canadian audience it has application for radon professionals around the world.

Note: your name, email address and an indication of passage of this course may be shared with national or state certification agencies for verification of completion.

Course Includes:

  • Video Instruction
  • Online Quizzes
  • Downloadable Resources
  • Downloadable Course Certificate
  • 4 Category 1 CE Credit

    This course has been deemed to have sufficient science-based content that continues to be relevant and not subject to expiration.